ReconG2 Homepage Prototype

When designing ReconG2's homepage, I focused on captivating visuals, intuitive feature display, and streamlined user interaction. With dynamic elements and clear information, the prototype aims to effectively engage users while providing valuable insights for ongoing development and optimization.

Aurora WDC
Web Designer
1 Week

Engaging Homepage Experience

In preparation for the launch of the ReconG2 platform, I designed a dynamic high-fidelity prototype with a responsive layout for the site's homepage. ReconG2 is a versatile platform empowering users to perform advanced searches across news, products, people, and topics through an intuitive card-based dashboard.

Problem & Solution

Dynamic Feature Showcase

Going into the project I knew the design had to captivate users instantly upon landing on the homepage. I achieved this with a compelling call-to-action section, surrounded by engaging use-case "bubbles" that dynamically shift in and out of focus, sustaining visual interest. Below the fold, I prioritized showcasing the card interface to highlight the platform's main feature. To highlight key features within the card interface without overwhelming users with copy, I placed a few  info icons that overlayed helpful tooltips when hovered over.

Next, I called out key platform features by presenting a rotating list, complemented by auto-play videos for each feature. Additionally, I facilitated user interaction by enabling manual feature selection. The next section features a comparison table between ReconG2 and a competitor platform. Because there were 11 total features to compare, I opted to split the table into two sections that the user can toggle between in order to prevent information overload. The homepage layout ends with final CTA bookending the initial one, along with a sleek footer below.

Going Forward

Measuring Success

The prototype garnered positive feedback and the page is currently in development. Upon its launch, I intend to use metrics such as site traffic, CTA conversion rates, and user acquisition to determine the effectiveness of the design.