Miscellaneous UI Optimization

This compilation showcases various components, products, and user interface features that I've visually enhanced during my time at Aurora WDC. Given the partial nature of my involvement in many of these projects, I created a place to highlight the variety of my contributions that can’t be put into a single category.

Aurora WDC
UI Designer, Graphic Designer

Search Modal Redesign

This project entailed redesigning a search modal within the constraints of maintaining the original layout structure. By prioritizing white space, enhancing visual hierarchy, and establishing clear distinctions between modal sections, I successfully overhauled the initial design into a more efficient layout without significantly altering its components.

Initial MODAL

Card Builder Modal Redesign

In this project, I collaborated with a developer tasked with constructing a modal interface for card generation (a card I had previously redesigned with the same developer). The modal encompasses a diverse array of information and options, structured into three sections for adding tags, previewing the generated card, and a graph display related to the card's data. Through a dedicated emphasis on visual hierarchy, I organized this multitude of features into a coherent and user-friendly interface.

Initial MODAL